5 Steps to Prepare for a PR Campaign with WTF Publicity

For new artists who are used to doing everything independently, PR can seem daunting…or possibly even confusing or complicated. Have no fear though - that’s why we are here! Last month, I explained more about the benefits of publicity and why publicists are an essential part of a successful public figure’s team. 

So now you want to hire a publicist because you want to share your hard work and your story with a wider audience, right? This month, I’m here to help you prepare to take the leap into PR with us!

Before bringing Whoa That’s Fresh PR into the picture, there are a few steps we recommend taking to ensure we can swiftly and successfully begin working our magic. Here are our top 5 essential pre-PR steps.

  1. Finalize your project

This may seem like a no-brainer but it is important. Whether you are seeking PR for a single, an EP, an album, a music video, a music festival, or a special event - make sure all of your ducks are in a row first! For example, if you are releasing new music, make sure you have the finalized tracks ready to release. We wouldn’t want to send unfinished work to your favorite magazine!

2. Organize your assets

Beyond the obvious music files or event planning, there are promotional materials that we need too. Sticking with the example of a new music release, we also require all assets ahead of time including the album or single artwork, promotional photos, any visual content accompanying it, lyrics, quotes, and confirmed release dates. It may take a little bit longer to sort everything out before hiring us but we are committed to doing things the right way, not the fast way!

3. Time is of the essence

While we’re on the topic of doing things the right way - consider your release date before hiring a publicist! Please don’t email us saying “my song is coming out tomorrow, will you get me a feature in Rolling Stone?!” Not gonna happen, bro!

Good publicity takes time. We require a few weeks of advance notice so we can learn more about you and tailor the campaign to your specific goals, stories, and audience. 

4. What is your story?

Take some time to think about the “why” behind your project. What makes you different? What inspired you to do what do you do? What are the stories and traits that make you shine? The best publicity campaigns are the ones that take these questions into consideration. Good music may grab someone’s attention if they are willing to listen; a compelling human is guaranteed to turn heads at first glance. 

5. Ask us for help!

It’s okay if you aren’t fully prepared with all of the above. Whoa That’s Fresh PR offers artist development campaigns and additional services to make sure you’re set up for success. We can write your artist bio, arrange a consultation to figure out your story angles, work with you on social media strategy, facilitate media training so you know the do’s and don’ts during an interview, and more. Consider us your one-stop-shop so that you can prepare for your PR campaign when the time is right. We are proud to offer guidance to artists and entrepreneurs at all levels!

Now that you know how to start, let’s do it! If you are considering publicity services for you or someone you know, feel free to scroll around our website or send us an email for more information on how we can take your upcoming releases or events to the next level.


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